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Electric furnace steelmaking

Author : Hongteng Time: 2024-05-27

Electric furnace steelmaking process and operation steps

Strand Cast Steel Melting

  1. Preparation

– Ensure that the melting furnace, power supply equipment, electrodes and cooling equipment are complete.

– Clean the inside of the furnace and remove residues.

– Prepare the charge, including scrap steel, alloys, etc.

  1. Entering the furnace and heating

– Preheat the steelmaking furnace to a suitable temperature.

– Gradually add the charge to the furnace and maintain good ventilation.

– Use a dust collector to collect dust and reduce environmental pollution.

– Turn on the power, form an arc, and use the arc to heat the charge.

  1. Charge

– Add scrap steel and alloys and other smelting materials according to the requirements of the content of various elements.

– Heat the charge until it is completely melted and maintain a constant temperature through the arc in the furnace.

  1. Stirring and insulation

– Use a stirring device (manipulator, air gun, etc.) to stir the charge in the furnace to ensure uniform heating.

– Keep insulation at the optimal temperature to increase the reaction rate of alloy and charge.

  1. Steel and slag

– Add deoxidizer and alloy thinner according to the requirements of the steel grade.

– Add slag according to the formula requirements to help remove impurities and inclusions.

  1. Alloy adjustment and temperature measurement

– Adjust the smelting conditions according to the temperature measurement results to ensure that the appropriate temperature is reached.

– Add appropriate amount of alloy elements according to the needs of the steel grade to ensure that the alloy composition meets the technical requirements.

  1. Steel tapping

– Open the steel tapping port and pour out the refined molten steel smoothly.

– Carry out insulation and repair work on the steelmaking furnace as needed.

– Adjust and reprocess the poured molten steel to meet user requirements.

– Solidify and crystallize the molten steel to obtain the finished product.

  1. Subsequent processing

– Take samples for analysis and conduct quality inspection of the molten steel.

– Cast and pour the molten steel into the mold for cooling and solidification.

– Carry out subsequent processing, such as heat treatment, surface treatment, etc., to obtain the final product.

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