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Medium frequency electric furnace induction coil common failures and their hazards

Author : Hongteng Time: 2021-09-24

MF furnace induction coil is a load of MF power supply, usually with a wall thickness of 3 to 5 mm square copper tube wound. The common faults are as follows:

1. The induction coil is leaking the water, which may cause ignition between the turns of the coil. Repair welding must be carried out in time before the operation.

2. The molten steel sticks to the induction coil, the steel slag will get hot and red, which will cause the copper pipe to burn through. It must be cleaned in time.

3. The induction coil turns short circuit, this kind of fault in a small induction heating furnace is particularly prone to occur. Because the furnace is small, and it will be deformed in the work of the thermal stress, which results in the turn short circuit. The fault performance is large current and working frequency is higher than usual.

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