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The main reason why the power of intermediate frequency induction heating furnace does not raise

Author : Hongteng Time: 2021-11-16

In the use of intermediate frequency induction heating furnaces, it is inevitable that the external environment, improper use, improper configuration, and other reasons are more or less fault induction heating furnaces.

The main reason why the power of intermediate frequency induction heating furnace does not raise:

1. The furnace body of the induction heating furnace does not match the power supply, which seriously affects the power output

2. The voltage value is adjusted too high and too low, which affects the power output

3. The distributed inductance of the output circuit of the intermediate frequency induction heating furnace and the additional inductance of the resonant circuit is too large, which affects the maximum power output;

4. The rectifier part is not adjusted, the rectifier tube is not fully on, the DC voltage does not reach the rated value, which affects the power output

5. The regulation of intercept cut-off and the cut-off value is improper, which affects the power output;

6. If the compensation capacitor is too much or too little, the best power output of electric efficiency and thermal efficiency, that is, can not get the best economic power output;

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